
Vegueta has been hijacked – Beware of fake web sites


The journal Vegueta has been hijacked in recent months by a malicious third party. The fake websites are using the ISSN number, title and staff from the legitimate website’s journal, included original papers published in the original journal. The fake websites are been created by cybercriminals from various fake domain names.

The legitimate journal Vegueta does not charge authors for publication and the papers are open access after the immediate publication of the issue. More information here:

Remember that the submission process of the legitimate journal only uses Open Journal Systems:

You can check the original papers published in Vegueta in the last years in Scopus / Elsevier database. Also, Vegueta uses DOI. All the original papers published in Vegueta have a DOI starting

If you have received e-mails inviting you to submmit your papers to Vegueta or offering the open access payment, you can be sure that it is a scam.

Please, be aware that your academic reputation might be damaged if you publish a paper in a predatory journal or in a hijacked journal.

If you have any question or need additional information, you can write an email and we will respond as soon as possible:

Read more about Vegueta has been hijacked – Beware of fake web sites

Current Issue

Vol. 24 Núm. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-01-27



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Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Gran Canaria (ISSN: 1133-598X) is a biannually interdisciplinary journal that publishes original and unpublished research in any of the common languages in academia, on History, Geography and History of Art, once approved in a process of anonymous peer review (double-blind).

Vegueta is published by the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria since 1992. The journal is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) - Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, European Reference Index for Humanities & Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Latindex and REDIB, and in other journal directories such as Dialnet, DICE, RESH or MIAR. Vegueta has obtained the Seal of Editorial and Scientific Quality of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in the 6th Call for evaluation of journals (2018).

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