“Faraway, So Close!”: Proof of Concept of Landscapital as Applied to the Terraced Landscapes of the Canary Islands and Val di Cembra (Italian Alps)


  • Fabio Zottele Fondazione Edmund Mach di San Michele all’Adige, Technology Transfer Centre
  • Álvaro González Santana Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Palabras clave:

Landscapital, Viticulture, Terraces, Landscape Marker, Perception


This work is focused on analysing two terraced landscapes devoted to viticulture, as well as on finding a way to economically compensate their heroic winegrowers. This becomes possible by combining local agents’ and consumers’ perceptions of a territory (“landscapital”) with the creative yet sincere evocation of beauty appreciable in land that is being worked (“artealization”). The work’s methodological approach combines interviews, fieldwork, cartographic and photographic analyses to compare two terraced viticultural landscapes. The results highlight analogies and differences at three different levels, going from the scenic vantage point to the conception of the quotidian landscape in a single vineyard.


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