Dealing with Pirates. The Affaire of the Bocoyas (The Riff, 1896-1897)


  • Francisco Manuel Pastor Garrigues IES Sanchis Guarner de Silla (Valencia)



Imperialism, Riff, Piracy, European Captives, Colonial Harassment



At the end of the 19th century, a new framework of references was proposed that introduced substantial variations for Spain in the Moroccan question, in such a way that what was now at stake was an imminent threat to national security Both liberals and conservatives understood that the Rif was a region of vital geostrategic interest in the defense of the Peninsula. And the control of the Rif began to be questioned to the Majzén by the French imperialist interference. The events had a fortuitous origin, and were originated by the smuggling practiced by some members of the Kabyle of Bocoya. Swindled

by the Europeans with whom they trafficked, they assaulted some ships sailing near the Moroccan coast and took their crews hostage. This is what has been wrongly called the conversion of the Bocoyas into pirates. French diplomacy then forged large-scale intervention projects, and moved a diplomat to the territory, the Algerian Si Al.lal, who tried to convert the Central Rif into a republican protectorate. In this work, using diplomatic documentation preserved in Alcalá de Henares, we analyze how the Hispanic government response resolved this problem with notable success.


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