From Persuasion to Operational Propaganda. The War of Words in World War II Spain


  • Marta García Cabrera Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Persuasion, Propaganda, Second World War, Spain, Operational Propaganda


The strategic position of Spain during the Second World War favored the country becoming the scene of an important war of words; a propaganda battle that challenged powers such as France, Great Britain, the United States, and Germany. This article analyzes the intrinsic relationship between propaganda and neutrality, through a case study that places Spain at the center of foreign persuasion. On the one hand, the article includes an analysis of the foreign propaganda campaigns activated in the country throughout the Second World War. And, on the other hand, it includes an analysis of the relationship between propaganda and Allied military planning in Spain. In this sense, special consideration will be devoted to the concept of operational propaganda, a propaganda modality especially activated by Great Britain between 1941 and 1943.


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