Graffiti from the Third Carlist War in the Tomb of the Mencos at the Recoletas Convent (Tafalla, Navarra)
Historical graffiti, Third Carlist War, Recoletas Convent in Tafalla, Navarre 19th century, Third Regiment of Marine InfantryAbstract
This study documents a set of historical graffiti in the church of the Recoletas convent in Tafalla (Navarra, Spain), dated in the 19th century. A significant portion of these exhibit military themes, linking them directly to the Third Carlist War. It includes depictions of soldiers and weapons, but notably an inscription attributed to a musician from the first battalion of the third Marine Infantry Regiment, who on August 15, 1874, had just returned from the Battle of Oteiza. This discovery provides additional detail in understanding the participation of this regiment in the battle.
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