Modelling Bias and Environmental Preferences in Archaeological Spatial Analysis
DOI: clave:
Arqueología cuantitativa, Modelización espacial, Arqueología ambiental, Arqueología del paisaje, RomanoResumen
Point pattern analysis (PPA) has gained momentum in archaeological research that models large-scale distributions of sites and explanatory covariates. As such, there has been increased interest in the bias of archaeological distributions, which mostly have an impact due to modern land-use change. These interactions, however, have not yet been fully explored. In order to better understand archaeological point patterns as functions of explanatory covariates, we offer three different approaches: (i) environmental preference modelling of archaeological records in different chronological phases; (ii) a custom bias surface that represents the variability of the regional landscape; (iii) an R-package (rbias) allowing the generation of a fuzzified bias surface based on Open Street Map (OSM) data.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Michael Kempf, Eli J. S. Weaverdyck

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