The Petroglyphs on the Illomas Archaeological Complex (Chuquibamba, Arequipa. Peru): Graphics in Domestic, Economic and Ritual Contexts of the Southern Andes


  • Fany C. Talavera Dávila Programa de Doctorado de la ULPGC-ULL-UMa-UAç «Islas Atlánticas. Historia, Patrimonio y Marco Jurídico Institucional»
  • Pablo Atoche Peña Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Peru, Illomas, Andean Archeology, Territorial Archaeology, Petroglyphs, Symbolic Graphics, Cultural Adaptation


Of the large number of petroglyph sites known in Peru, in this paper we deal with those located in an extensive archaeological area located in the southernmost part of the country, extending through the high mountains of the Illomas ravine (District of Chuquibamba. Province of Condesuyos. Department of Arequipa), conforming an extensive archaeological complex different from the known sites in the south of Peru, when allowing an approximation to the correlation that existed between the rupestrian engravings and the human settlements. That characteristic makes it singularly important to try to fix the chronological-cultural contexts and their meaning, starting from the consideration that these must have constituted a unit with its archaeological and geographical environment, forming an integral part of the daily life of the communities that settled and developed in the region of Illomas. Undoubtedly, it constitutes an archaeologically singular geographic area in terms of type of archaeological site and rock representations, evidence that make it possible to attempt an approximation to the model of adaptation that the ancient settlers of Peru developed in this geographic environment and the mentality that surrounded it.


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