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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia aims to include original and unpublished articles and bibliographic reviews on recent publications. The content of submitted work should follow the editorial line of this Journal. The original articles submitted to the Editorial Board should also follow the instructions set out below.

I. General

1. Papers should be in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese and should be originals. Published works or works submitted to other publications should not be included. However, if such works must be published, original source must be included. Papers in other languages could be accepted by the Editorial Board if there is a general interest.

2. Authors of accepted originals assign copyright and copies of their papers before publication. This assignment is intended to protect the mutual interest of authors and editors. The form for this procedure is available on our website (download here).

It is the responsibility of an author to obtain any necessary permission for quotation of copyright material. The author should ensure that written permission to reproduce material, including illustrations, is granted.

3. The opinions and facts contained in each paper are the sole responsibility of their authors. The Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity of the works.

II. Procedure for Reviewing Original Papers

4. Papers will be evaluated by anonymous peer reviewers. All papers submitted to the Editorial Board will be sent to two external reviewers, specialists on the subject, who will return them together with an evaluation report that will determine whether the papers complies with the Procedures for Submission of Papers. Papers will be accepted or rejected within four months of receipt.

III. Procedure for Submission of Original Papers

5. This journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) to manage the editorial and peer-review process. If you haven't submitted a paper to this journal before, you will need to create an account. Please read these guidelines and then submit your paper here.

6. The Deputy Editor in Chief shall acknowledge receipt of all the submitted originals within fifteen working days of receipt. Such notification should not be considered as an acceptance declaration of publication of papers. This acceptance is determined by the positive evaluation of external reviewers (see section 3).

7. The following data must be set out on a separate sheet: full address, research centre or university, telephone number, e-mail address and ORCID of the author(s). A letter signed by all authors certifying the declaration of authorship, good practices, and copyright assignment must be submitted for the acceptance of works. The form for this procedure is available on our website.

8. Articles and bibliographic reviews submitted for publication must rigorously follow the rules stated below.

IV. Length and Format

9. Manuscripts should be submitted as text files of common word processors for PC or Macintosh (preferably saved as DOC or ASCII files) and single spacing. The maximum length of original articles must be 25 pages (approximately 11,000 words written in 12-point Times New Roman), including figures, tables, notes, and bibliography. The maximum length of bibliographic reviews submitted for publication must be 5 pages (approximately 11,000 words written in 12-point Times New Roman).

10. It is recommended to use the following format: margins (top margin of 2.5 cm; bottom margin of 2.5 cm; left margin of 2.5 cm; right margin of 2.5cm); gutter of 0cm; header of 1.25 cm; footer of 1.25 cm; on A4 paper; portrait orientation.

11. Text, including headings and epigraphs, in Times New Roman font size 12 is used, with block quotations and photographs, figures, graphs, or illustrations captions in font size 11, and with notes in font size 10.

V. Structure and Content

12. The articles should follow the IMRandD model (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion) with these sections:
a) Introduction, with the objective of the study.
b) Brief explanation of the methodology, including sources and historiographical references.
c) Development of the research results, originality and contribution to existing knowledge.
d) Clear and concise conclusions.
e) References.

13. In any case, the following elements must be included: a title, an abstract of up to 100 words, keywords (not more than 5), an introduction, conclusions, and a bibliography. The title, abstract, and keywords must be also submitted in English. The title in the main language must be in Times New Roman Bold font at 14 point, the title in English at 14 point and in italics; the abstract and keywords at 10.5 points, with the titles in bold (Abstract; Keywords).

14. Epigraphs, by which the content of the work is divided (including the introduction and conclusions), should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. In no case must hierarchy of text sections exceed the third level. The first level epigraphs will be capitalized and in bold (for example: 1. METHODOLOGY); the second level epigraphs will be written in bold and lowercase (for example: 1.1. Sources of information; 1.2. Spatial analysis); third level epigraphs will be in lowercase and in italics (for example: 1.1.1. Historical sources).

If an acknowledgement section is included, this should be put before the references section. If there are documentary appendices, these should be put at the end of the text.

15. Regarding the content of the work, authors should follow these rules: the title of the article must be concise, referring as precisely as possible to the content of the work; abstracts shall include the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the submitted work (within the limitations established in section 12); keywords shall include the terms or names which facilitate the searching of the article by subject, methodology, chronology, and geographical location in databases; translations of the title, abstract, and keywords shall be done to the highest possible standards; the topic of the work, background, current state of research, aim of the study and its justification should be included in the introduction; conclusion should clearly summarize the main findings of the research, without repeating what it is included in the introduction; bibliography should exclusively include the references cited in the text, following the instructions below (see sections 27-29).

VI. Reviews

16. Bibliographic reviews should be headed with the author’s name, work’s title (including sub-titles, if any); name of the publisher, the title of the series, and the volume number in that series; the place and the year of publication; the number of pages and the ISBN.

17. If reviews include bibliographical references, these should be added in the body of the text, following the instructions below (section 27-29).

VII. Ilustraciones y fórmulas

18. Illustrations may be included only if they meet the quality standards set by Vegueta (minimum size of 15 x 10 cm and minimum resolution of 300 dpi, although 600 dpi are recommended). We encourage the use of illustrations where they present essential material or aid understanding.

19. Illustrations must be supplied as electronic files preferably saved as TIFF files.

20. All illustrations must provide a caption, where the source of data shall be given. Captions must be supplied on a separate sheet, and they must be numbered sequentially. Captions must also provide identification data, including in parentheses the authorship or source. On the permission to reproduce illustrations, see section 2.

21. Illustrations are Figures (drawings, maps, and line drawings), Tables, Plates (photographs and slides), and Graphs. Illustrations must be submitted in separate files and a list of all of them, numbered with Arabic numerals and in the same order as cited in the text, should be attached.

22. Mathematical formulae should be included in the text with Microsoft Equation Editor.

VIII. Quotations and abbreviations

23. Short quotations (less than 50 words) should be typed with single quotation marks (except that quotations within quotations take double quotation marks). Long quotations (more than 50 words) should be typed as a separate block, double spaced, without quotation marks and font size stated above (see section 10).

24. Omissions within quotations should be marked by an ellipsis (three points within square brackets). Words added by authors in quotations should go in square brackets.

25. Citation should be included in the text of the article, abbreviated, as stated in section 27.

26. References to quotations should be cited in the text when they come from published works (see section 27). If quotations come from unpublished sources, their references may be set out in a note.

27. Abbreviations, both those used in the text or in the notes, should be clearly defined, preferably in the first note of the article. Standard acronyms and abbreviations or those frequently used on the topic of the work shall be used, e.g. NHA (National Historical Archive).

28. It is recommended to cite figures and tables in the text, so that they form an active part of the publication. To do this, the references to the figures in the text will be cited as follows: Fig. 1. While the tables will be cited as follows: Table 1. Both in the captions of figures and in those of the tables, it will be indicated the full name (Figure 1.; Table 1.).

IX. References

29. References in the text should give in parentheses the surname of the author(s) in small caps, the publication date of the work, and, where necessary, a page reference, e.g. (Morales 1988: 82), (Bauer and Sherman 1999: 72), (Velázquez et al. 1985).

30. References in the text should be included in the bibliography (see section 14), all in alphabetical order by the surname of the author followed by chronological order. If two or more works by the same author(s) have the same publication date, they should be arranged in the order in which they appear in the text and distinguished by adding letters after the date (e.g. ‘1995a’, ‘1995b’, ‘1995c’). References will have a French indentation of 1 cm. Authors' last names will be separated by semicolons and placed in small caps.

31. The titles of articles or chapters should be italicized or placed within quotation marks, whichever is appropriate. The title of works should be italicized, preceded by the word ‘in’. For electronic resources, the standard ISO 690-2, available on our website, should be followed. Examples:

Bauer, B. D.; Sherman, D. J. (1999): «Coastal dune dynamics: problems and prospects», en A. S. Goudie; I. Livingstone; S. Sokes (eds.), Aeolian environments, sediments and landforms, John Wiley and sons, London: 71-104.

Bethencourt Massieu, A. (1992): «Los capellanes reales de la Catedral de Las Palmas, el Cabildo y el Real Patronato (1515-1750)», Vegueta, 0: 55-65.

Guitián, C.; Martín, F.; Nadal, I. (1983): «Formaciones sedimentarias del Cuaternario Medio al Holoceno en la isla de Gran Canaria», en VIII Coloquio de Geografía, vol. 1, AGE, Pamplona: 239-242.

Rumeu de Armas, A. (1947): Piraterías y ataques navales contra las Islas Canarias, Instituto Jerónima Zurita, CSIC, Madrid.

X. Style

32. The editors of Vegueta may make corrections to the style of the submitted texts in order to meet the standards established by this Journal, particularly on the instructions stated above (see sections 19-29). Vegueta has a proof-reader of style and texts in English that proofreads the translation of the title, abstract, and keywords of the articles. If there is disagreement between the author and the Editors on the style, the criteria of Vegueta will prevail.

XI. Proofs correction

33. Authors will receive only one proof copy of their work; revisions must be made within fifteen days of receipt. Proofs of articles with two or more authors will be sent to the first one, unless otherwise specified at the time of submission for publication.

34. Authors may make minor changes on proof copies: only grammatical, orthographical, and typographical corrections following the Journal’s instructions. Substantial changes that may affect layout and pagination are not allowed. In no case should authors make many changes that may affect publication costs.

XII. Offprints

35. Authors will receive only one proof copy of their work; revisions must be made within fifteen days of receipt. Proofs of articles with two or more authors will be sent to the first one, unless otherwise specified at the time of submission for publication.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.