The Diffusion of Gas in Latin Europe on the Eve of the First World War
Gas, Energy, Latin Europe, Location, 20th CenturyAbstract
The article analyzes, from an international comparative perspective, the territorial expansion of the gas supply since the coming of a new competitor, electricity. The source is the Annuaire général de l'industrie de l'éclairage et du chauffage par le gaz for 1910, which gathers information related to the cities that had gas in several European countries, including the Latin Europe (France, Spain, Italy and Portugal). The regional contrasts in the extension of the network will be examined, classifying the towns and villages with gas according to population size.
Annuaire Général des Industries de l´Éclairage, du Chauff age et de la Force Motrice par le Gaz et l´Électricité (1910-1911), Paris.
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