Call for Papers dossier Vol. 22 (1), 2022


The dossier of vol. 22 (1), 2022, entitled "Digital History: projects, methods and perspectives", will be edited by Dr. Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho (Univ. Of Granada) and Dr. Maurizio Toscano (Univ. Of Granada). The digital turn in the field of historical research has come to stay. The current global health crisis has further highlighted the centrality of technology to all research activity. An increasing number of new research projects implementing digital methods and approaches, together with participatory processes, are emerging, with a predominance of web-based ones. These ways of making, analysing, representing and communicating the past and the present are distinctive of Digital History, where information systems, hypertexts, crowdsourcing, collaborative transcriptions, data visualisation and networks contribute to generate, co-create and share historical knowledge. This special issue aims, through a series of scientific papers, to show the current panorama of Digital History in different fields, to learn what projects are being carried out and what multidisciplinary methodologies are being implemented. The deadline for receiving articles is July 20, 2021.