Forming an Aboriginal Context for Housing: Taphonomy and Restoration of Ceramics from La Restinga (Telde, Gran Canaria, Spain)


  • Pedro González Quintero Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Departamento de Ciencias Históricas
  • Marco Antonio Moreno Benítez Tibicena, Arqueología y Patrimonio, S.L.
  • Antonio Blanco González Universidad de Salamanca, Departamento de Prehistoria
  • Gabriel García Marrero Tibicena, Arqueología y Patrimonio, S.L.



Ceramic Restoration, Ceramic Taphonomy, Pre-Hispanic Societies, Canary Islands, Methodology


As well as bringing to light some of the archaeological work carried out at the site at La Restinga (Telde, Gran Canaria), the present article reviews and assesses the protocols for analysing patterns of breakage and erosion of the ceramic fragments found there. The article examines, on the one hand, how the archaeological remains came to be there where they were identified, while on the other, it also considers the taphonomic characterization and restoration of ceramics found in two distinct structural spaces: one residential and another a waste area.


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Author Biographies

Pedro González Quintero, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Departamento de Ciencias Históricas





Marco Antonio Moreno Benítez, Tibicena, Arqueología y Patrimonio, S.L.





Antonio Blanco González, Universidad de Salamanca, Departamento de Prehistoria





Gabriel García Marrero, Tibicena, Arqueología y Patrimonio, S.L.






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