VEGUETA, Número 3,1997-1998, (263-278) 263
Cities and Ports:
Concepts and issuesl
" Departrnent of Geography.
University of Southampton.
264 Dr. Brim S. Hoyle
1.- Introduction
At tlie start of this discussion of port and
cities T xvoulci like to acknowledge your
welcome and your invitation to me to give
this address in an interdisciplinary series of
lcctures on IJorts and Cities of Spain. As a
geographer 1 have niaintained an interest in
ports and port cities for over forty years.
This began when 1 travelled on holiday
with my family to seaside towns i n
England or Wales. Idater, 1 studied ports in
France, in Africa, in Australia and in Nvrth
America. The links between ports and cities
have always interested me, and in recent
years 1 have become involved in the study
of cityports and the redevelopment of
urban waterfronts.
1 must make it clear at the outset,
however, that Spain and the Spanish portcity
system lie largely outside my direct
experience. My lecture is a broadly-based
one, therefore, a background study
containing some ideas about ports and port
cities and about ways of looking at thcm
and at their inter-relationships and
problems. What 1 have to snv nhniit ports
and port cities illustrates some basic
principles of port geography which
underpin relationsliips b~twern pnrts and
their cities everywhere. 1 hope that my
views and ideas will complerrient, rathtir
tlian conflirt wi t h , t h n q ~n f histnr i2ni ,
engineers, arcl-iitects or plauners. 1 regard
tlie Spanish cityport system as one
siihsystein witliiii a glvhal cityport system;
it is of interest for itself, of course, but also
for ways in which it conforms to or
&..rersifier frurr. wer!&~,~.~idpea ftcrr.3 , I E ~
trends. My objective liere is to discuss some
global issues and general trends, and 1 hope
that othcrs will fiiid it useful Lo relate tlirse
ideas to the Spanish context.
Tlie lecture is divided into five niain
parts. 1 shall being witl-i some basic ideas ur
contextual perspectives, to set the scene.
Then 1 shall discuss the cityport concept,
uuiiiriiiig sume íactors and interrelationships
concerning ports and cities.
Thirdly, 1 shall discuss more specifically the
port-city interface and, fourthly, the
problems of waterfront revitalization.
Finally, to broaden the perspective again, 1
shall look at port citics in a contcxt of
regional develoyment.
2.- Contextual perspectives
Ports, cities and cityport systems
The cityport, or port citv, is one of the
quintessential elements of the modern
world space economy. It symbolises the
interdependence of environment and
society, and involves a fusion of cultiiral
diversity and liistorical exyerieiice. A close
association between cities and ports is a
recurrent tl-ieine tliroughout the history of
civilisation. From the ancient cultures of the
Mediterranean, üf the Iridian Ocean, or of
China, to the present day, 'cities appear as a
constant in evcry civilisation' (Konvitz,
1978, xi) and pnrts serve as transprt n d e r
facilitating economic growth a t many
different scales. Dubrovnik, in war-torn
former Yugoslavia, is a classic model. 1x1
temporal and spatial terms, port cities and
thc regions they serve constitute a
fundamental element in the spatial
structure, organisation and re-organisation
of economies and societies, and in
relatinnships hetween &ese seciokier and
their environments.
Port cities, and their associated coastal
zones, are today a focus of increasing
planning attention. There is a growing
realisation that cityports and coastal zones
.dfi&r LL-' LE-- --- -l----:.--
~ ~ C ~ J U LI ICC ,~ L L ICY nlc cl~nii~lii~,
and that they are irnportant within wider
space economies. Toronto (Canada) is
controversia1 iii tl-iis seiise. Cliaiige, if it is tu
be properly managed, must first be
understood. This series of lectures is part of
tlie process of understanding the changes
that have taken place and are continuing
within the Spanish portlcity system. These
changes are derived in ydrt frum iocdl
circumstances, at the interface between
Cities and Ports: Concepts and issucs 265
land and sea, between terrestrial and
maritime transport systems; in part from
thc national Spanish planned space
economy; and in part from the
intcrnational, global cityport system within
which eacli port city is one sinal1 but
significant element. In this serise, even a
small island port such as Las Palmas
illustrates principles of global relevante.
Africa and Europe
In the Canary Islands 1 am very conscious
of being not only in part of Spain but also
very close to the shores of Africa. So 1
would like to begin my discussion of
concepts and issues with some comments
on African cityports in comparison with
tliose of Europe. Europe is a part ol the
physical world much diversified by
peninsulas and islaiids, aiici in rnariy parls
of the continent the influence of the sea is
never far away. From thc Atlantic Occan to
t h R lñck %a, 2nd trnm t l i ~K altic to the
Mediterranean, the shores of Europc are
often characterised by an interpenetration
of land and sea that has facilitated and
encouraged the flowering of many
rnaritinie civilisations, as well as a great
variety of political and trading systems,
including thnse of Britain and of Spain.
European cityport systems, together with
thc iEtcrnat i~r iu! x u r i t ime t r s n srn-n-r tnetworks
witl-i which they are associated
and upon which they depend, have thus
playcd a major role in the evolution of the
modern world (Hoyle and Pinder, 1992a
and b; Konvitz, 1978; Mollat du Jourdan,
? 993:.
In Africa tlie general environmental
situation is rather different. Broadly,
Alrica's coasts are not weli rndoweci witli
natural harbours of adequate depth and
ease of access for modern navigation, and
the problems of creating new drtifi~idpl ürls
are great though not insuperable. Specific
problems of coastal hydrology and
geomorpiioiogy aííecting port growth
include the surf barrier and littoral sand
drift in West Africa; and the coral hazard
on the ria coastline of East Africa. Africa's
great rivers, while providing important
transport arteries in inter-regional terms,
do not generally offer open access from the
sea. Africa has no St Lawrence estuary, no
River Rhine or Amazon, providing
routeways for ocean vessels into the heart
of the continent. African cityport systems
liave largely developed as a product of
contacts with externa1 seafaring peoples,
maritime cultures or metropolitan powers.
Historically, the balance of initiatives has
often seemed to lie with the non-African
party rather than with the indigenous
society (Hoyle, 1981 and 1983).
Today, in Africa and in Europe alike,
two continents which might both be
described as increasingly interdependent
are unifying, transport systems and the
factors affecting their continuing
developinent are a major focus of economic
and political attention. Pressures on
existing transport networks, and
environmental considerations, suggest that
nt thc continental scalc in Europe it is
important to encourage the further
development of railways and waterways;
tvhile in Africa the further improvement of
road networks is often seen as the higliest
priority. Islands, of course, in either
c ~ n t i n e n t ,d epenc! i n c r e a s i nou - ., l ~n~n ai r
transport cervices but also on maritime
transport systems for the continuing
development of their economies.
Ports and port cities provide not only
essential nodes within multimodal
t r a ~Ys-.-. n ~stj s t ems a t the mt iena! 2nd
continental scales, but also points of
intermodal interchange between land and
maritime transport systems in a widcr
world. Within these two restructuring
cunliiieiils, iiileriiatioiial cooperalion iii
lransport plannii-ig is essential, for the
renewal of thc economics and the mobility
of the peoples of Europe and of Africa
obviousiy ciepenci upon the eiiicierii
operation of transport systems. Port cities,
266 Dr. Brian S. Hovk
in this context, have a very critical role to
perform (Hoyle, 1990; Hoyle and Knowles,
3.- The cityport concept
1 now turn, in theoretical terms, tu the
cityport concept and to come factors
involved in cityport development. The idea
of the cityport is derived from the
traditionally close association between a
port and the city of which it is a major
component. Such an association may be
deeply rooted in history (as at Lisbon,
Portugal), linking the origins and
development of a city with maritime
trading activities over many centuries; or
the association may be relatively new,
derived from modern technological
innovation (as at Tema, Ghana). Similarly,
port-city linkages may be very varied and
complex, or alternatively relatively limited
or almost negligible. Port and city may exist
side hy sidp in a s t a t ~n f almort cnmy>lete
interdependence or with little real
interlinkage. How far is the modern urban
economy of Lisbon or Tema -or, for that
matter, that of Southampton or Las Palmas
-dependent upon port-related employment?
The idea of the cityport and its
associated industrialisation are, of course,
nnon tn interpretztinn iri mmy dimoncienc. -r --- --
Some of these dimensions are reflected in
the title of a book published on the basis of
a conference at Southampton on Cityport
indtisfrialization and regional developmenf:
spatial analysis and plannitzg strategies (Hoyle
2nd Pinder, 1931). Th2i.e ai.e ~patia! and
temporal contexts; social and economic
influences; and technological and political
factors vvhic1-i often transcend ollirr
considerations. For modern practica1
purposes, planning and management
perspectives must recognise these concerns.
The degree to which a port and a city affect
one another in land-use terms, for example,
or in an urban transport context, or in
relation to employment opportunities, may
be a critical issue giving rise to a good deal
of controversia1 debate at the local and
regional level.
Locational factors: situation and site
The development of cityports is influenced
by many locational factors from the
landward and the seaward sides. Broader
considerations to do with the situation are
complemented by more specific factors to
do with the site. The original water sitc of
the port has often determined the general
layout of a port city; and decisions conccrning
port expansion have often affected the
pattern of urban growth. Ultimately,
however, the wider circumstances of the
land and water situations largely determine
the long-term fortunes of a port city.
The balance between influences on
cityport growth from land and sea, on
various scales, obviously varies from one
place to another, but in al1 port cities a
cnmmon denominator is t l e PO?! f i n r t i n ~
(the transfer of goods across the land/sea
interface) which largely explains the origin
üf the cettlement and lies at the root of its
physical and socio-econnmic expansion in
terms of layout and locatiori. Tlie old
harbour at Mombasa, Kenya, on the other
side of Africa, still receives Arab sailing
vessels known as dkows, which illustrates
the perf fUncfiGE ir. cpcrntiGx ut 2 fair!-.
basic technological level. In contrast, Le
Havre (France) carries out the same
function, csscntially, but on a far wider
scale and at a far more advanced
technological level. Today, in many parts of
L L - 1 2 ~ 1 -- -1 - - - - 1 ------ ---
ULC WUIIU, LILC ~ r u r v r ~ u ~ l lüvÍa p~uli i ciiit.5
is derived from the separation of the port
function from the urban forms to which it
initially gave rise. Throughout the
advanced world, and increasingly in the
newly-industrialising countries of southeast
Asia, such as Singapore and Hong
Kong, the increasing separation of ports
and cities, in form and function, has
become a general trend. 'lo what extent this
port-city separation is becoming a feature
Cities and Ports: Concepts and issues
of the cityports of Africa and other parts of
the developing world is an interesting
Harbours and ports
The importance of locational or
environmental influcnces on cityport
growth should not be overemphasised,
however, because port sites do not
determine port developmeizt nor that of the
r i t i ~ sw ith which they are linked. What
matters is how port sites were evaluated in
the past and continue to be re-assessed
today hy thore i n v n l v ~ d in rityport
decision-making. Port-city development
reflects the ever-changing uses of location
and the continuous reassessment of
locational values and interrelationships.
Many excellent natural deep-water
liarbours and othcr potential port sites have
remained unutilized or underdeveloped.
Shute Harbour, in Queensland, Australia, is
a SY: e i -L~iiia~fü ra! deey--v.ia:er harboUr
with only a small jetty for recreational use.
On a world basis, there is no very close
geugrdphical coiiicidence between the
distribution of finc harbours or other firstclass
water sites and the pattern of port
development, for ports originate and grciw
where trade demands their facilities ratlier
than where nature provides an appropriate
iocai iramework. Some vi Wesi Aíricd's
finest harbours - Freetown (Sierra Leone),
for example -contain vnly limited modern
port development; whereas in the same
region some of the finest modern ports -
such as Abidjan (C6te d'Ivoire) - are largely
artificiai creations aeveioped in response io
Cityport evolution
It is of course impossible to be unaware, in
examining present-day changes in port
cities, of the immense influence of heritage
from the past. For centuries, the pursuit of
maritime affairs has played a major role in
the development of urban systems.
Throughout these centuries of change thc
evolution of maritime technolog- ies acted as
an important instrument of progress in port
growth. New technologies of ship dcsign
and cargo handling repeatedly led to
successive eras and scales of cit.y .p ort
In theoretical terms, severa1 distinct
phases may be recognised in the physical
development of cityports (Figure 1):
1. From ancient times until the
nineteenth ccntury, the coexistence of port
and town on a primitive site involves
maximum functiokd interdependence and
very close spatial association, the town
centre being dominated by merchants'
houses and the waterfront often representing
the foca1 pnint of the settlement as a
whole. An example is 15th-century Genoa
2. The expnnding port city of the
nineteenth century -exemplified by
Marseille (France)- breaks out of
traditicna! c ~ n f i n e s , as u recii!t ef
technological developments such as tlie
coming ;f railways and stearnships, and
the de"elopment of industry. Stimulated
by, and facilitating, the overseas political
expansion of Europe, this cityport grows
rapidly arouiid the shores of the
industrialising and the developing worlds.
Cityports grow as doorsteps or entryyuiiiis
liuii-i Müi-iirrñl tü Mapüto, frox
Bombay to Buenos Aires, from Singapore
to Sydney.
3. Tlie rrroder-ri industrial port city
involves a markedly accelerated spatial
separation between city and port. Led by
oii-reiining, idrge spdce-cui~suiiiiiii~ii dustries,
based on bulk mineral trades, devglop
pioneer sites, and are preceded or followed
by container terminals.
4. Thc cmergence of maritime industrial
development areas sustains and expands port
growth in alternative or downstream
locations (as at Fos, southern France) and -
towards the city core - reinforces the retrent
from the traditional waterfront; this creates,
OUnversdad de a s Fanai d? Gran Canara i t o e c a Unuestsri Memm Dgta le Caniris 20815
Ancient/medieval to 19th Close century associatíon V Redevelopment of the ) 1970 S-1990 S
C dty pcirt
figure ? - Stages in the evolution of port city inter-relationships (Coiiuie toyli., 1988, 7)
Rapid develop iinear industries
Industrial require renewal Large-consumes land/
Cities and Ports: Conceuts and issues 269
5. The problem and phenomenon of
waterfrorzt redevelopmerzt with which many
port cities around the world are now very
much concerned. The redeveloping London
Docklands provide a major example of this
increasingly widespread phenomeriuii.
Two important consequences arise from
this sequence in modern planning terms, on
q ~ ~ idtifef erent scales. More generally, there
is a need to re-examine the roles played by
modern industrial and commercial ports in
regional and national economies; more
specifically, the challenges posed by the
decline of outmoded port areas require a
sensitive and appropriate response. We
sliall return to tlie second of tliese two
issues later on.
4.- The port-city interface
The interface between city and port, to
which 1 turn next, is almost invariably a
zone in transition (Hayuth, 1982 and 1988).
A zone of conflict, cooperation and change
Figure 2 summarises some of the elements
involved in port/city development today
and in the processes of change now being
experienced in many port cities around the
world (Hoyle, 1988 and 1989).
-Urban land uses (on the left) are
divided from maritime functions (on the
right! by tht. intcrfacc n c x , ~f t c lai mm ~f
decline and decay, but sometimes marked
by co-operation between developers and by
competition for spacc for ncw activitics.
-Port development (No. l), usually
inclined to migrate downstream, quits the
4,.-,4:&:---1 -,...b -44.. ---- :- La*.-....
L I ' , U L L I I , I I U I y,,, I-L LLy 1 U 1 C 1 , 1 1 1 1 < 111 I < I V C , " I L I I
deeper water and niore capacious bluecoast
-Meanwhile, yort-based ii-idustries (No.
2), no longer dependent upon the breakbulk
function or on labour concentration,
migrate to other urban zones and to
greenfield sites beyond.
-1n the opposite direction, as waterfront
sites become avaiiabie, tiiere is some
competitinn for thr rrdwelopment of the
most advantageous locations, botli from
land-based concerns (No. 3) (housing,
restaurants, shopping complexes) and from
maritime interests (No. 4) (marinas,
recreation, water-based facilities).
-Withiri the redeveloping cityport cure
zone, and beyond, environmental controls
are established as a kind of filter, in an
attempt to harmonise development projects
and reduce pollution risks; and
-The entire system is affected and in
part controlled by over-riding factors such
as technological change, economic and
political conditions at various scales, and
national legislation.
Tlie niain reason for present-day
changes and problems in this sphere is, of
course, the inability of must cityport sites tu
absorb not only rapidly changing and
expanding port development but also
successive phases of urban growth.
The tranrfnrmñtinn prnresr
The transformation of the port-city
interface in recent decades has been
derived from wider, interdependent trends
(Figure 3):
-First, maritime techiiology has moved
on apace, ships have increased vastly in
size, and this has resulted in the
widespread development of container
tcrEili&., b.All< ccr-,, h--Al:-,-. c*n;1:+;*-
6" """""" 6 '""""'"
and roll-on/roll-off handling methods, al1
of which have transformed major ports
-Second, the scale of modern ports and
port-related industries, with their vast land
..,.A LA.. "-m-- ..--..:----- L- ----- ' L - L
O L C U Y V L I C C ~ ->pI C C~ i U=~ I C I ~ ~ C ~ ~ 1L 1J 1,~ 0 1 1 3 L L ~ L
traditional pvrt locatiuns are often no
longer of much use for present-day
sl~ippiiiga nd cargo requireiiieiits; arid
-Third, as is only too well-known in
many port cities, there has been a marked
decline in port-related employment; the
onward march of tecliiiology, in tliis as ir1
other spheres, has entailed thousands of job
iosses and a substaiitiai restructuririg uf the
urban economic base.
270 Dr. Brian S. Hovle
Zone of conf lict/co-operation
@ 1-[ Por! migr2t:on ,::: :::, wFmn.~wrwi.r. .n."n. .m. - .n ntal' :f. i.l.t"n.r '
@ Industrial migration Traditional port/city
core zone @) Land - use cornpetition
@ Water -use cornpetition
Ftprc 2 . Factors and proccsscs involvcd in port-city dcvelopment (Sotmc: Hoyle, 1988,141
OUnversdad de a s Fanas d? (,ran Canara i t o e c a Unuestsri Memmi Dgta le Caniris 20815
272 Dr. Brian S. Houle
Thesc three causal factors -technological,
geographical and socio-economicwhich
of coursc are closcly inter-related -
have produced a retreat from the
traditional waterfront. New port-industrial
areas have emerged elsewhere, occupying
substantial areas of land, sometimes land
that was previously underused or not even
there - for, increasingly, ports occupy
water-encroaching sites.
5.- Revitalizing the waterfront
This retreat from thc waterfront produces a
problrmatic vacuum at the city's heart -
land and water areas, warehouses and
transport facilities, formerly essential to the
port and its city, hecome redundant and
derelict. Bereft of its traditional uaicon d'etue,
the historic focus (as in Liverpool, UK, or in
Sydney, Australia) becomes a zone of decay
and potential conflict, ripe for redevelopment
(Pinder and Hoyle, 1992).
Thc dcc!inc> ~f dder pmt a r o s anc! the
revitalisation of urban waterfrvnt zoiies has
led to a re-examination of the port/city
interface in a wide variety of locations
throughout the world (Breen and Rigby,
1993; Bruttomesso, 1993; Tunbridge, 1988).
In academic terms, much has bccn writtcn
on this subject in Canada (Merrens, 1980),
where there are many excellent examples to
"~Se i -Ye a,d SoTflC CUn:r~~",CrSi~33U.d!C St a
explore, notably in Toronto (Uesfor et d.,
1988; Roya1 Commission, 1989 ct scq.).
Cnnadian exyerts contributed significantly
to a conference held in Southampton in
1987 at which these themes were explored
(Hovie, Finder and Husain, 1988).
A model of forces and trends
One outcome of these discussions was a
model designed to summarisc in a new
way some of the issues inoolved in
waterfront redevelopment and planning
(Figure 4) (Pinder, Hoyle and Husain,
1988). This is a model of forces and trends,
and it is divided into two main parts, the
upper part describing the process of retreat
from the waterfront, and the lower part
waterfront revitalisation.
The upper rectangle highlights some of
the major processes, on various scales, that
underlie port retreat and therefore the
emergente of a 'redundant space continuum'
inc-olving not only the more familiar
inner-urban sites but also otlier, discontinuous
and possibly larger sites elsewhere
within or outside the city. Historically (tl)
inner-urban sites have been dominant, but
today (t2) the combined forces of maritime
technology and deindustrialization imply
that the problem is more widespread - as
clnsed oil refineries, for example, illustrate.
In between tlie main 'retreat' and
'revitalisation' rectangles of this model
there is an indicatiun of tlie way in which
the problem of redundant space is
percrived and analy~ed, and of Iiow
(rapidly or slowly, as the case may be) there
is an increasing perception of rcsource
e p p ~ r t ~ n i -t yfo r npw i n v ~ s tm~ nrte,d rvelopinent,
re-use of abandoned areas for
new purposes. Not al1 such areas are
&osen, of course, and not al1 are suitable,
so there is a 'revitalisation selection filter'
whicli Iielps to focus attention on the most
appropriate cites.
The arrow down the centre of the lower
part of the diagram is intended to represent
p!icjr ni=!~tiun - tho gradii~! forrnl'il-itinn
and iniplementation of a strategy for
revitalisation, initially broadly based, but
cvcntually sharply targeted. Various
authorities are involved, some with original
ideas, others relying largelv on emulation
üf wha; seeins tu havc been sücccssfü!
somewhere else.
This process of strategy evolution
eventually yields ari 'ou~cume contiiiuum',
represented here as a spectrum in which
social goals (such as public-sector housing)
are dominant at one end, while commercial
interests (such ds private-sector housing
and small-scale iridustrial development) are
dominant at the uther. Cooperation inbetween
is possible, of course, but the
Cities and Ports: Concepts and issues 273
1 Technological changa k
I lnner 1
I urban I
---------- mal
Revitalisation selection filler ----------
A lncreasing perception of
Public authority G, Por1 authority
lnvolvement lnvOl*~nt . 111; :! involvement
commercisl .,::..::. . .::;:,:;a
:.. ... . ,.:::.::: ::::::::a
Cornrnercial Private sector/public rector Social goats
inlerests coo~eration/coalition dorninant
F@rc 4.- Revitalising tlie waterfront: a model «f forces and trends (Snurrr: Piridw, Hni/li, nnd Hiisnin, 1988,249)
OUnversdad de a s Fanas d? (,ran Canara i t l o e c a UnWestsri Mem<,ri Dgla le Caniris 20815
274 Dr. Rrian S. Hoylc
implication of the model is that at present
(t2) there is a marked trend towards the
commercial end of thc spectrum. One
might in fact go so far as to say that retreat
and redundancy have separated ports from
people; and revitalisation has created
commercial opportunities but has generally
paid too little attention to the social needs
of formerly port-dependent communities
(Van der Knaap and Pinder, 1992).
Cultural contexts
The ways in which urban waterfront
redevelopment is managed - in terms of
objectives, methods and outcomes - are
themselves a product of the cultural
contexts within which port cities are set. In
spite of tendencies towards emulation and
similarity, especially in a North American
context, there iq a widespread and deeplyfelt
need to preserve the individuality of
place and to enhance the character of
Inratinn Tho art of c i i r r ~ c c f i i lw í i t~r f rnnt A - - .-- .. . - -.- - - - .. .. .. . - - - - .-
redevelopment - as, for example, in Vancouver
(Canada) - lies in revitalising the
cultural and pliysical l-ieritage while creating
attractive environments for present
and future use (Hoyle, 1992).
Around the world, cities are reclaiming
their water frontier, rediscovering their
waterfront resources, breaking down the
burricrs Vct..:en pert 2nd c i t i , 2nd
learning to shape and to share new
waterfront environments. Revitalisation
certainly involvcs a commercial element,
but recrcational and residential activities
often appear to predominate. The name of
gdme is ali ayyropricite nnd ncccptñbk
mixture of land uses and water uses,
creating attractive and accessible
environments for al1 tu sliare.
6.- Cityports and regional development
Yet we must guard against a tendency to
examine, analyze and renovate the core
areas of port cities in isolation. There is
another relationship thdt is, in some ways,
even more important, and that is the
interdependence between a cityport, on the
one hand, and the coastal region within
which it is set on the other (Pinder and
Hoyle, 1981). This relationship between
cityport and region is sometimes an
historical phenumenon - as between Venice
and the Veneto, the cityport's immediate
mainland environment; sometimes, as iii
Sydney, Australia, there is an over-riding
concern for the environmental impacts of
inner city redevelopment, the relocation of
the port function (at Port Botany), and
residential and recreational pressures on
the wider coastal zone. Occasionally, as the
bush fires around Sydney in January 1994
dramatically demonstrated, the tension
between an expanding, changing cityport
and its regiorial e~wiroi-imentc an be costly
in terms of life and property, especially
when the natural enviroiiiner-it is harsh and
Coas tal7nn~m anapment
Coastal zone management is a phrase that
has been to some extent hijacked by
environmental scientists, ecologists, planncrs
and others concerned with the conservation
of the physical environment. In human and
environmental terms, the management nf
coastal zones transcends the artificial
boundaries of the cityport to encompass the
cymhiotic interchangec hefi~reenc ityport and
region. Port cities are nodal centres uf
activity and development within coastal
zones, but it is unrealistic to focus attention
exclusively upon urban patterns and
problems, still less upon port issues or the
7".afprfrc;nt itsc!f, .Y'V,;' Lt'hL V-U'.Lt U-uL -I C-,I&I L y;.L,,I I L f j eL" , y,,l.,L.-,L C
these core areas alid functions in context.
Putting the question the other way
around, coastal zone ~nanagemeiit must
examine littoral regions as dynamic
interactive systems within wliich port cities
perform a critica1 but riut overwlieliningly
dominant role. The balance between
cityport and region must be carefully
assesseci, ior each is ciepencient upon [he
other (Vallega, 1992).
Citirs diid i'uits. Cuiicrpls diid issurs 275
7.- Conclusions
h fürü>iiig aiiriiiiüii upuii ilir dtdi~giit~
cityport in a time of politico-economic
transition, we should aim to analyze
enisiiiig siiudiiuiis, iü undei~irlild i l ~ e i ~
origins, and to consider current trends and
future developments, i ~oir der to have some
idea vi where we are going írvm here. As a
conclusion to these broadly conceived
reniarks, three n-iajor points will bear reemphasis.
First, the zvorld cityport systeiri (Figure 5)
is a dynamic phenumerion, and the
essentiai pacemakers are the maritime
factors. Port cities are gateways orientated
towards tl-ie world's seas and oceans; tliey
belong to tlie world o1 seaborne transport
and trade. New technologies of ship design
and cargo handling are tlie key factors that
have led to successive eras of cityport
evolution, producing a remarkable variety
of cityports around the shores of the world
lake, that interconnected global water
surface linking together al1 port cities and
al1 maritime transport networks.
Second, in economic terms, cityports are
continually involved in inferpovt compefifion.
A seaport survives by attracting traffic
flows to itself. Traffic flows are fickle and
can always grow, decline or be diverted
elsewhere - even from a single port which
may seem to have an unshakeable
monopoly on a small island. Traffic flows
involve port selection by ship operators
and others who base their decisions on
factors affecting efficiency, cost and
converiience, and un the coridition of tlie
wider economy. The behaviour of decisionmakers
in tliis competitive environmeiit,
and the responses of port authorities, are
critical to tlie long-term evolution and the
short-term fortunes and patterns of port
activity and cityport development. Quebec
(Canada), in this context, seems today to be
relatively unsuccessful, almost an historical
anachronism, compared with Montreal.
Behavivural geography, rather than
p l~y s i c dg eog~dpiiyi,d rgeiy tixpiairis iiw
continuing process of differential cityport
growth. It is tlie interaction of clianging
ecuiiui~iiesd ~ i dw cieiies, iogeiher wiih
political influences and eniironmeiital
attitudes, tliat ultimately influence what
happens ai the interface between ianci anci
sea, wliere port cities are located and where
they prosper or perish. In East Africa, the
archaeoiogicai ruins oí Gecii marK a piace
on tlie coast of Kenya whicli in the 15th
century was a cityport of ten thousand
iniiabitants alid tiirivir-ig trade. ioday it lies
abandoned, iiidicatirig to us that interport
coinpetition is a long-established element in
economic and political Me, and une that
sometimes leads tu commercial extinction
(Hoyle, 1983).
Third, the most critical issue affecting
the contemporary cityport is the separafion
of port nnd urban functions. Closely
intertwined in the 15th century, as the core
area of historie Venice (Italy) so strikingly
demonstrates (Ashworth and Tunbridge,
1990) these functions have diverged in the
closing decades of the twentietli century, as
at Marseille-Fos, as the global forces of
maritime technology have required a new
scale of port development quite out of tune
with dimensions associated with traditional
urban cores. This planning problem lies at
the heart of cityport development today
throughout the advanced world and
increasingly in developing countries too. As
sucli, it is a problem that must be kept
continually under review and 1 personally
welcome most warmly the iiiitiative sliown
by tliis University in bringing together ideas
and viewpoints on an interdisciplinary
basis. No-one has a monopoly of truth. 1
have spoken about shared space in a
practica1 context, on the waterfront. How
much more important is shared intellectual
space, as we seek continually to refine our
concepts, ideas and perspectives.
I SCALES - Local
Internat ima~/g~oba~ I I ENVIRONMENT
- Rdirf 1 . . - . . - .
- Agriculture - Structures/flows
lndustry Demand lmarkets
Ernpbment Controls
- Structure Maritime Dislribution Ship/Mobility
- InternaI stability
7 r -UN AID
Externa1 Iinks Neocdonialism
Mult ilateral/bilateral
- Precolonial systms
Colonial heritage
lndependence - Positive Neutral
Negat ¡ve
F i p r t . 5 . - Tlie world cityport syslem (Suutce: Pitider atid Iloylr, 1981,337)
-Cities and P orts: Concepts and issues 277
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